Task 1 – 60 Marks The website must be developed using ASP.NET, HTML5, Bootstrap

Task 1 – 60 Marks
The website must be developed using ASP.NET, HTML5, Bootstrap 5,
JavaScript, and jQuery from scratch no designer made templates should
be used. Use Microsoft SQL relational web hosting database to store and
retrieve website information. The website must feature the content described
above and meet the following criteria:
1. Be usable in Internet Explorer, Google, and Mozilla Firefox.
2. Be viewable on monitors with screen resolutions of 1024×768 without
users having to scroll horizontally.
3. Be responsive: provide a fair and consistent experience across all
4. Browse and view product details.
5. Become a member through registration procedure.
6. Customers should be able to login to their account and update their
personal information.
7. If a customer forgets their password, they must be able to restore it.
8. Add product to cart and proceed to payment, opt for delivery of pickup.
9. Customers should be able to view and download their purchase history
details for the last three months in pdf.
10. Admin must be able to login to the admin site which is separate from
the main site and customers/visitors must not have access to the
admin site.
11. Ensure reuse of components using Master pages and user controls.
12. Security using ASP.NET inbuilt role and membership provider.
13. Use standard ASP.NET data presentation controls bound to data
source control to display and manage items on your site.
14. Perform CRUD operations and handle dynamic data from SQL server
Task 2 – 10 Marks
Having a backup ensures that your data is secure, and that critical information is not
lost. This applies to natural disasters, data theft or any other type of emergency. There
are currently different methods to make database backup copies.
1. Using SQL Server, set up/create a daily backup job to create backup of the
database you created for this assignment based on criteria below: (7 marks)
a. Recurrence daily except on Sundays.
b. Schedule start time of 02:00 AM.
c. Notify the website admin through email in the event of any failures during the
d. You must document all the steps with relevant screenshots.
2. Restore your database to the most recent backup created in step 1 above,
document all the steps with relevant screenshots. (3 marks)
Task 3 – 15 Marks
Test the Website and Write a Test Report
You must use the W3C validation service (http://validator.w3.org/) to check
your HTML and CSS code. You should endeavor to remove as many non-
compliant features as possible. Make sure ‘show source’ is selected and save
the output from this tool.
Test the website using Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome. Record any
significant differences between the renderings of the three browsers and
attempt to diagnose the cause. You do NOT need to modify your code to
correct any differences between browsers. Ensure that all functionalities are
tested from end to end.
Write a short report describing your testing. Provide a description of any
outstanding problems and recommendations for fixing them. The written part
of your report should not exceed 500 words.
Critical Evaluation
You are required to write a short report (500 words) analyzing the website you
have submitted. You should highlight the strong and weak aspects of your
site, suggest improvements, and propose ideas for further development. This
analysis must include a discussion of the accessibility of the site and the
ways in which the website has been designed to support mobile users.

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