Activity Time:2 hours; Additional Time for Study, Research, and Reflection: 1 ho

Activity Time:2 hours; Additional Time for Study, Research, and Reflection: 1 hour
Please watch the video “Blue-eyes/Brown-eyes” classroom exercise conducted by educator Jane Elliot in 1968. The first clip is the experiment she did with the children in her third-grade classroom. Please watch clip #1 and feel free to review the others if you wish.
Please note: This video may be considered sensitive and involves content that may feel offensive to some. Please review the video with an open mind and with an educational lens.
A Class Divided Video -Blue-eyes/Brown-eyes Exercise
Note: If you are uncomfortable about sharing specific information, you are not required to do so. you have the option of reflecting on a hypothetical scenario or omitting details you are uncomfortable sharing. Let your instructor know if you have any questions about this assignment. This discussion involves sensitive subject matter. Please remember that this is a discussion meant for an open and honest conversation on a topic of high interest and concern.
Please Remember Supportive Discussion Guidelines:
Listen to learn (be attentive and restate what you hear)
Respect the perspective of others
Appreciate diversity (we have more in common than we know)
Acknowledge how you feel (trust this is a Safe Space, and imbalance means you are growing)
In your initial post, address the following questions:
What did you learn from watching the exercise?
What scene or scenes stand out for you? Why?
Did any part of the film surprise you? Keeping in mind your cultural lens, do you think someone of a different race, ethnicity, or religious lens would also find it surprising?
What did the children’s body language indicate about the impact of discrimination?
How did the labels that were placed on a group become a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Why is it essential to develop anti-bias practices that intentionally addresses biases?
In your reply post,
Reflect on your peer’s answers to the questions and share any additional insights you gained from watching the video clip.
Or share examples of developing anti-bias practices.

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