Communion Essay Use the seven questions provided below. While the questions spec

Communion Essay
Use the seven questions provided below.
While the questions specifically ask you to reflect on what you’ve read and learned in Communion: The Female Search for Love, your answers should not be limited to Communion. The questions are broad enough to incorporate the terms and concepts that you’ve learned throughout the semester in your readings and through lectures.
The link to the book could be accessed through Internet Archive – Communion: The Female Search for Love if you create a free account and borrow it for however long you think you may need it.
4-5 sentences per question (paragraph)
Your answers to the questions should include a combination of:
References to Communion
Use of 1-2 direct quotes per question from Communion that serve as support for the statements made in your responses (indicate page numbers for your quotes)
Personal opinions/observations/experiences/insights are encouraged and expected.
Language (terminology and concepts) learned throughout the semester as it pertains to your analysis of this book. (NOTE: Each question should be clearly numbered in your paper and answered in a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs using complete sentences in an essay style. There may be overlap between some questions, but you must still clearly label and distinguish the questions so that I know what you’re answering).
What is the main point of the book? Why did bell hooks write this book?
Describe and discuss hooks’ critique of feminism. Why is this discussion important for younger 3rd wave feminists in particular and all women, in general? What new insight does she offer re: love and patriarchy, love and feminism? (NOTE: A helpful post to read is The Other L-Word: How bell hooks Dared Me to Love:
Describe the gender-specific relationship between men, women and love. How is it different? Why? How does gender socialization contribute to these masculine and feminine roles in relationship to love and relationships in general?
Explain hooks’ statement on p.105, “Nothing belies the assumption that women are more loving than men as much as the negative feelings most females hold about our bodies.”
On p. 134, bell hooks writes that “self-love is always risky for women within patriarchy.” Explain.
Pick any section/topic in the book and explain why you enjoyed it/found it interesting and insightful/could relate to it.
How does hooks define and describe love? How does her definition align with, contradict and/or expand cultural notions of love? Be specific.

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