Introduce the chosen film (The Great Debaters) and state the particular aspect y

Introduce the chosen film (The Great Debaters) and state the particular aspect you will focus on and why. Address an original and specific thesis statement about how one or two film techniques (mise-en-scene, casting, camerawork, lighting, editing, and sound) are effectively used to emphasize one key theme in the film.
For instance,
The impact of types and length of shots, camera angles, and movements, edits in the development of a specific theme in the film.
The significance of the mise-en-scene, the placement of actors and the arrangement of the scene. How does this scene represent the theme of the movie?
The body of the paper:
Descriiption (1 paragraph): Explain the general patterns/motifs over the entire film: Explain one key theme in the film (race, class, gender, sexuality, nationality, patriotism, postcolonialism, formalism, etc.)

Analysis (1-2 paragraphs): Analyze 1-2 scenes that serve as important examples of the key theme.

Evaluation (2 paragraphs): Focus on and evaluate how one or two film techniques (mise-en-scene, casting, camerawork, lighting, editing, and sound) are effectively used to emphasize one key theme in the film.

Conclusion (1 paragraph):
Restate your thesis in a conclusive (as opposed to introductory) matter. Briefly summarize the evidence you have highlighted in support of a key theme you focused. Discuss its broader implications (for example, what social issues does the film respond to).

Margins: No larger than 1” around
Font type/size: Times New Roman/12 pts.
Underline or italicize film titles
Just an indent between paragraphs
Double space, typed
Clarity and conciseness
1. Eliminate unnecessary words
2. Minimize jargon
3. Simplify, but don’t talk down
4. Completeness: Is everything there to help the reader completely understand the topic?
5. No errors
6. Neatness: Presents a compelling package

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