For this week’s WF, use the skills and resources outlined in the Primary Source

For this week’s WF, use the skills and resources outlined in the Primary Source Analysis Tutorial, the research you’ve conducted since Week 2, your peer and TA feedback, and your narrowed-down topic to write an abstract and annotated bibliography for your final paper. For your forum post, submit a Google DocLinks to an external site. in correct MLA format, that does the following:
Create a tentative title for your paper. The title should tell your reader what your paper will be about.
Write a 100-200-word abstract that includes the following:One to three sentences to introduce your topic
One to three sentences stating the problem or issue – for MMW 14, this is the conceptual problem, a gap in the scholarship on your topic (the Conceptual Problem and Significance Worksheet [link underlined text to “Research and Writing” page in WP module] may be helpful here)
One sentence that presents your level-3 question that addresses the conceptual problem you’ve identified
One to three sentences with your tentative answer, your working thesis, using the following formula: TS = O + S + A + R (3+) / Thesis Sentence (TS) = Opposition (O) + Subject (S) + Assertion (A) + Reasons (R; 3+) (For more information about this formula and crafting your thesis, see the Final Paper Guidelines, Section I)
In-text citations as needed
Create an annotated bibliography that includes the following:At least three sources, at least one of which is a scholarly peer-reviewed article from an academic journal related to your project’s topic. These sources should be different from (but, ideally, are in addition to!) the sources you noted in the Week 3 WF (see the MMW 14 Library GuideLinks to an external site. to access databases, as well as resources to help guide you in your research).
A two-sentence annotation for each source: 1) 1 sentence that summarizes the source’s argument/significance as it relates to your project 2) 1 sentence that explains how you plan on using the source in your paper, using the DABLinks to an external site. approach.
Source entries that are written in correct MLA format.
Provide feedback to the peers in your group by Thursday at 11:59 PM. Your feedback should be substantive and constructive. In other words, a comment that says “This is great!” is a fine start, but you should also include what makes it great, as well as a suggestion for how to make a part of their project stronger and/or pose a question that you still have based on what you’ve read.

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