After reading the chapter, viewing the powerpoint, and viewing the YouTube docum

After reading the chapter, viewing the powerpoint, and viewing the YouTube documentary write a comparative essay about the two artworks listed below:
Figure 6-8 (Reclining Couple on a Sarcophagus from Cerveteri) & Figure 5-20 (Anavysos Kouros)
Write an essay in which you compare and contrast the two works listed above. How are they similar or different in appearance, function and meaning? What kind of cultural, religious, social, or even political ideas do these two works of art represent to the cultures that made them Explain as thoroughly as you can with specific references to cultural practices. Your essay should be a minimum of 800 words (it can be longer).
Your essay should include introductory and concluding remarks and be clearly written.
Provide a full citation if you have used any outside sources beyond the course materials here
You may use parenthetical citations to refer to the course material you were provided.
Please limit your use of direct quotations to a sentence or two if you use it at all
You must cite both the Greek and the Etruscan PowerPoints at least 4 times (combined

Posted in Art

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