Create a chart or table that clearly presents data about 1 specific budgetary to

Create a chart or table that clearly presents data about 1 specific budgetary topic/concern in Richmond County, New York. For example, this could include policing budget, housing program, healthcare, homelessness). It can be anything about city budgeting any city management of any services.
All I need is for you to find REAL, RECENT DATA on any 1 of those issues in Richmond County /Staten Island and make a table that is clear and easy to read. The table just needs to accurately and appropriately present data indicating the budgetary issue/concern. That is all.
Please make sure the data is as recent as possible. The data in the chart must be able to be analyzed (I will do this). I will be using the data in the chart to analytically argue about how this represents an issue in the community.
To summarize:
1. Find real data on any of those issues in Richmond County specifically.
2. Let me know what you have chosen.
3. Create a table or chart on that data. This table must be created in Microsoft Word.
4. Provide a direct link to the source of the data

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