1)350 words After completing the reading this week, we reflect on a few key conc

1)350 words
After completing the reading this week, we reflect on a few key concepts this week:
Discuss what power in the context of leadership is and how it relates to bullying within organizations. Also note how this impacts productivity.
Discuss what organizational culture is and how it impacts work productivity. Also, note how organizational culture impacts the success of innovation implementation.
How does culture impact leadership? Can culture be seen as a constraint on leadership?
2)350 words
This week our topic shifts to working with data. In this week’s discussion post, please note a system that you work with frequently that has a major data component. Note the type of data, how the data is managed and maintained, and any other important factors regarding the data in the system.
In response to peers, ask questions that you’d like to know about the systems they mentioned in their initial post. Also, determine if there are any ethical or other regulatory considerations regarding the system they selected.

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