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Discussion assignment #5
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Discussion assignment # 5 Family Therapy Systems Theory
From Powerpoint Family Therapy/ Systems Theory Module 2 Slide 18:
“Homeostasis”: The system works to maintain equilibrium (balance)
Survival of the system takes priority over the survival of the component parts (example of the body systems maintaining homeostasis: when a person is exposed to extreme cold the vital organs will be protected while the extremities may be permanently damaged by frostbite. This is clearly not an ideal solution, but it may save a person’s life.)
1) Apply the concept of “homeostasis” to the Walls family. Provide a minimum of 2 specific examples from the book “The Glass Castle”
From Powerpoint: Family Therapy Systems Theory Module 2 Slide 19:
Family Roles: patterns of behavior carried out by a family member according to a set of defined expectations. –what is expected of each family member
The most basic types of roles are “father,” “mother,” “aunt,” “daughter,” “son,” “grandmother,” etc. What is expected from people in each of these roles? But there are also roles beyond this most basic level. For example, one person may be the “responsible one” or the “peacemaker” in the family One family member may be known as the “emotional one.”
2) Answer the following questions regarding family “roles’ in the Walls family. Provide one specific example from the book “The Glass Castle”:
a) What roles do Jeanette, Rex, and Rose Mary Walls occupy within the family system? (be specific, citing one example for Jeanette, Rex and Rose Mary from the book)
b) Do the various roles of family members work well together for the benefit of the family and individual members? (why or why not?)
c) Are any of the roles ambiguous, redundant, or left empty? (be specific)
d) Is there flexibility among family roles so that the family is able to adjust to crises situations? Explain your answer, citing at least one example from the book.
e) Do the family’s roles conform with basic social norms? ( ie. society does not condone a criminal role) Explain your answer.
f) Do the family’s roles function to enhance the family’s feelings of self-worth and well-being? Explain your answer, citing at least one example from the book.
From Powerpoint Family Therapy Systems Theory Module 2 Slide 28:
Family Rules are rules about how the family operates. Rules reflect the values of the system and explain the expected behaviors of each family member ( rules may be “explicit” or “implicit”)
3) Describe 2 “explicit” family rules and 2 “implicit” rules that are apparent in the Walls family. Provide specific examples for each rule from the book “The Glass Castle”

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