For this week’s response paper, please focus on at least 2 readings and 1 video

For this week’s response paper, please focus on at least 2 readings and 1 video in the following list:
Aronoff, “America is not as Resilient as it Thinks It Is” (in Module 2)
Sengupta and Manik, “A Quarter of Bangladesh is Flooded” (in Module 2)
Eve Ensler (now known as ‘V’), “ ‘The Amazon is the Entry Door to the World’: Why Women are Key to Saving Brazil’s Forests” (in Module 2)
Plumer, Brad and Nadja Popovich, “How Decades of Racist Housing Policy Left Neighborhoods Sweltering” (in Module 2)
Cheryl Holder, Ted Talk, “The Link Between Climate Change, Health, and Poverty” (in Module 2, 12 min)
Mary Robinson TED Talk, “Why Climate Change is a Threat to Human Rights” (in Module 2, 21 min)
Analysis: Overall, what are the main claims/grounds/arguments in these materials? (3 points)
Insights: What are the 2 to 3 most important insights that you took away from these materials? What stuck out to you, what surprised you, or what did you question? (5 points)
Current Event Connection: Where do you see these issues raised in the materials coming up in our lives today (think about what we currently see in the news, or laws that are being proposed or being passed, or statements politicians may be making, or discussions in your own social circles) (1.5 point)
Parenthetical Citations (1.5 points)
No more than 2 writing errors (1.5 point)

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