Individual Research Project: Outline and Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instr

Individual Research Project: Outline and Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions
Submit an outline of your individual research paper and annotated bibliography on the company approved by your instructor after the completion of Quiz: Individual Research Project: Organization Selection. Items to include are outlined as follows:
• Submit an outline including:
o Introduction: Describe the company and include information from requirement 1 (See instructions for Individual Research Project: Paper Assignment Instructions below).
o Body: Discuss requirements 2-7 found in the Individual Research Project: Paper Assignment Instructions below.
o Conclusions: Summarize your paper incorporating requirement 8 from the Individual Research Project: Paper Assignment Instructions below.
• APA format
• Your annotated bibliography should include at least three sources, in addition to the course textbook and the Bible
• Acceptable sources are scholarly articles from professional peer-reviewed accounting and business journals published within the last five years.

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