Answer the following questions with SQL queries using the NFL database. You can

Answer the following questions with SQL queries using the NFL database. You can copy your queries here or submit a .sql file. This homework will be graded for completion.
Question 1
Using the ′TEAM′ table, find the game id (GID), team name (TNAME), and total points (PTS) that satisfy the following conditions:
1. the team name should contain the letter ′e′
2. the points scored in the first quarter (Q1P) should be more than 3 but not more than 8.
Question 2
Using the ′RUSH′ and ′PLAY′ tables, find all the first-down (FD in the PLAY table) rushing plays. Please include all columns from the RUSH table as well as GID.
Question 3
Find the average points that visiting teams scored in each stadium when the temperature is higher than 69 degrees. Your outcome table should have two columns: the name of the stadium and the average points. The column that contains the average points should be named ″pts_avg″. You should order your table by descending order of pts_avg.
Question 4
Write a query to classify fumbles. Your outcome table should contain every column in the FUMBLE table, the GID, the play type, as well as a column named ″fumble_type″. The ″fumble_type″ column is equal to 1 if a fumble happened in a pass play (type = ′pass′), 2 if a fumble happened in a rush play (type = ′rush′), and 3 otherwise.
Question 5
Write a query to classify all the drives that started with a touch back. If the number of plays in the drive is greater than 10, it is a long drive. Otherwise, it′s a short drive. Your outcome table should contain at least the following columns: GID, FPID, TNAME, DRVN, KICKER, and a column named ′long_drive′ which has two possible values: ′long′ and ′short′. Hint: You may want to take a look at what FPID captures.

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