Write a one-page (double-spaced) summary of your main take-aways from the module

Write a one-page (double-spaced) summary of your main take-aways from the module. You should imagine that you are writing this summary for a person who is interested in knowing more about Lifespan Development, but who isn’t taking this class. (Hint: Think of a friend, parent, sibling, advisor, coach, colleague, or even teen in your life who might be interested in Lifespan Development and pretend like you are trying to explain the concepts from this module to them.) Think about what stands out to you in the module. Try to describe why you think it is important in relation to other concepts we have covered. Finally, try to think about your life experiences and reflect on how at least one concept from this module relates to your own personal experience or something you learned in another class.
Follow these steps to complete your assignment successfully.
First, write down the module objectives so that you know what to look for as you interact with this module’s material.
Then, prepare to read the chapter, watch the videos, and use any other material that I suggest to help you connect with the module’s main ideas.
Next, begin working your way through the module’s materials. Be sure to take lots of notes.
After that, take at least twenty minutes to review, revise, and update your notes.
Finally, use Microsoft Word or another word processing program to write a one-page summary of your takeaways from this module.
For this assignment, you will submit a one-page, double-spaced, typed summary of the module. The document you submit should use a twelve-point font and have one-inch margins. Please include a citation in APA format for any quoted or paraphrased information. Your summary should be at least one page long, and should not exceed two pages. The tone of this assignment should be somewhat controversial so you don’t need to be too formal.

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