Problem 6 Analog Computer Humanity has reached the point in the development of d

Problem 6
Analog Computer
Humanity has reached the point in the development of
digital computers where the physical constraints of our
universe have started becoming a bottleneck. The famous
Moore’s law, which predicts the number of transistors that
can be packed into a certain area, became nothing more
than a relic of the past. To keep up with the increasing
demands, scientists started looking at a much older
concept, the analog computers. The first of its kind was the
Antikythera mechanism, followed by multiple others, mostly
up until the 1950s to 1970s. However, with the introduction
of very large scale integration and neuromorphic computing,
they are going through a renaissance.
Your task is to design an analog-mechanical computer on
a chemical scale. You can freely choose the problem for
which the computer can give solutions, the data acquisition
method and the answer’s readout
2.model and theorotical explanation
4.discussion and conclusion

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