Effectiveness of the Law Supporting Lectures: Classical Criminology Punishme

Effectiveness of the Law
Supporting Lectures:
Classical Criminology
Case study: Florida’s “10-20-Life” Law
Your state officials are considering ways to deter gun violence. The governor has hired you to provide an analysis of Florida’s 10-20-Life law. Your task is to produce a PowerPoint presentation of 10-12 slides that will provide lawmakers and the governor with the background and evaluation that will help them decide if this type of law is an effective deterrent.
Make use of the “notes” areas to elaborate on the brief points presented on the slide. Your presentation should cover the following points:
Describe the law’s purpose. How was this law a departure from what preceded it? What was the state of Florida hoping to accomplish with this law?
Explain whether this law illustrates the classical or positive perspective.
Assuming that a major goal of this law is deterrence, explain steps taken by the state to achieve general deterrence.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the law. Did it accomplish what was intended? Were there any negative outcomes? Be sure to cite valid research to support your conclusion
Last, describe the current state of this law, and make a reasoned recommendation for your governor.

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