Week 5: Race/Ethnicity and Family & Religion No unread replies.No replies. Race/

Week 5: Race/Ethnicity and Family & Religion
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We learned that race is not real, but the social construction of racial categories has made it real in consequences, what we call the Thomas Theorem. One aspect of racism is how society creates a world where ethnic and racial minorities are excluded. One important study that has been replicated since the 1940s with similar results is the Doll Test, I shared in your supplemental resources Doll Test.Links to an external site.
This week, let’s talk about racial depictions in the media and how these can be harmful to minorities.
Assignment 1
Question: How are racial minorities shown in the media that creates negative stereotypes? Use specific examples.
I watch a crime reality television show called First 48. In almost every episode, the people involved in the murder are African Americans. There is rarely a white person on the show, and even more rare is an Asian person. This leads the public to accept a stereotype. The incorrect view is that African Americans are more violent compared to other racialized groups. The show does not discuss how they choose their episodes. For example, there are no people of wealth on this show. This is most likely because wealthy people have legal protection that people who are poor do not have access to. When a television show portrays a group in a negative way, and does not counter balance that with other African American experiences, it leads to the construction of racialized stereotypes.In this example, the television show is constructing a stereotype of violent African Americas.
(You may not use my example or another crime-drama show in your discussion)
Family and Religion
As we have learned, race is socially constructed. Ethnicity is about cultural difference. In this discussion we will look at various cultures that differ from our own. Families and religion are very influential to the individual and society. For our last discussion, please locate examples online of families practicing a non-traditional religion. You will see in the chapter what are traditional religions — do not use one of those.
Assignment 2
Question: Copy and paste the image of the family with a non-traditional religion and discuss Durkheim’s Theory of Functionalism, specifically his 3 basic insights on religion (not deviance), as it pertains to the image.
(Do not use Islam, as it is one of the top 3 practiced religions in the world! And please find an image of a non-traditional religion. This is not asking you to find an example of a non-traditional family.)
Be sure to have a substantive conversation with your classmates.

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