Module 5: Directions: Discussion One, Watch at least two of these videos: Please

Module 5: Directions: Discussion One, Watch at least two of these videos:
Please watch these video on informal fallacies and discuss these questions. Requires and initial post and two responses to classmates. Links appear below and in “Files”.
Were there fallacies that you, yourself, would have spotted or would not have spotted? Name them and the videos you watched.
Were there fallacies beyond the ones we studied? (You will not be responsible for those on a test).
Is the average person and other individuals at all aware of how prevalent informal fallacies are, and their power to persuade? to an external site. to an external site.
Fallacies in Hillary Clinton’s anti-Trump speech PT. 1Links to an external site.
Logical Fallacies in Clinton’s Campaign Speech (Links to an external site.)

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