Chapter 4C: Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies in 2D – Learning Objectives Understand d

Chapter 4C: Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies in 2D – Learning Objectives
Understand different types of loads and supports
Draw free body diagrams
Determine if a rigid body is in equilibrium
Write and solve equations of equilibrium of a rigid body in 2D
Recognize two-force and three-force bodies
Identify partially or fully constrained bodies
Identify statically determinate or indeterminate bodies
Chapter 5: Trusses, Frames, Structures, Machines – Learning Objectives:
Identify different types of trusses
Analyze forces in members of a truss using method of joints
Analyze forces in members of a truss using method of sections
Analyze forces in machines and frames using disassembly method and solving multiple FBDs

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