Choose a primary source from Unit 4. It can be from the textbook readings or dis

Choose a primary source from Unit 4. It can be from the textbook readings or discussion posts. Conduct a Primary Source Analysis of it to brainstorm. Create an argument about the primary source and what it says about the time period in which it was produced. Your answer needs to be in essay format.
Use the text book US history 101 by open staxx
Argumentative Essay – You will come up with an argument answering the question and state it in your thesis statement. The thesis statement will be clearly stated in the introductory paragraph. Your argument will be supported by evidence in the body paragraphs.
3 pages (12 point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 1” margins). A title page is not needed, and the bibliography does not count as a page.
Citations in Chicago Manual of Style Notes-Bibliography Format (use footnotes) – Draw from the textbook for evidence. Do not use outside sources. Your only citation will be the textbook.
Open Book/Open Note.

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