Chapter 9 discusses principles of equity and equality for employees as part of H

Chapter 9 discusses principles of equity and equality for employees as part of
Human Resource practice. Make sure you read the chapter, clearly answer the
questions in-depth, and clearly understand what I am asking for this assignment,
which is worth 20 points.
This critical thinking assignment requires you to read, dig deeper, and offer a
quality assignment. I will grade tougher on this assignment, so make sure you put
forth your best effort. It would help if you used references and adequately cited
(APA format) to support your work. There is no required page number for the
assignment. I assume you can assess your work’s quality and answer each question
correctly. I read everything for the record, and I look forward to how you respond
to this assignment.
This is the 50th year of Title IX (1972), and there have been advancements in some
areas and some setbacks. I want to know how HR has implemented organizational,
distributive, and procedural justice within college athletics on Division I and II
levels? What has not worked? How has this carried over into the professional
arena? What solutions would you offer as an HR manager? What has worked?
How have these practices carried over into the professional arena? How would you
enhance what currently works as an HR manager?

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