Please according the article create 2-3 slides with speaking notes, which need t

Please according the article create 2-3 slides with speaking notes, which need to be presented in 5 minutes
i. Nature and scope of the fraud (1-2minutes)
ii. Anatomy of the fraud: Which accounts were manipulated and how; Why did the
practices violate accounting rules (3-4 minutses)
1.For nature and scope of the fraud slide please put the content that in the photo , and a speaking note with elaboration.
2. **focus more on this part:Anatomy of the fraud :Which accounts were manipulated and how; Why did the
practices violate accounting rules – only describe the recording of operating expenses and semiconductor inventory?
Operating expense: Chapter 4 197-224 and chapter 5 p226 -271
Semiconductor-Inventory :chapter 6 p272306

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