Advice Columnist – Part 1 (Interpersonal Dilemma) Instructions
Part 1 of this assignment will require you to write a letter where you solicit help for an interpersonal communication situation that you are either having trouble working through or would simply like an outside perspective on. You’ll actually be completing this during the orientation of the course. The letter should adhere to the following criteria:
Based on an interpersonal communication challenge you have recently experienced, or are experiencing (in any relational context: familial, platonic, romantic, or professional/workplace).
Indicate a specific request or question to indicate what it is you want help on resolving (are you seeking validation for your feelings? Do you want someone else to analyze the situation? etc.)
Should be detailed enough to give the reader a clear idea of the challenge or issue, yet not so long that it’s an essay (ideally, you’re striving for about 150-300 words); less is more here.
At the end of the letter (and separate from the word count) indicate on a scale from 1 (low) to 5 (high) how important this issue is. A 1 would indicate an issue that’s important to you, but you wouldn’t be too upset if you didn’t receive advice on. A 3 would indicate that you would like input from your classmates on this. A 5 indicates that the issue is of great importance and you’re hoping for multiple perspectives on it.
If you feel your situation is higher than a 5, then this might be beyond the scope of this class. These would be cases of abuse or wading into legal territory: For these, you may reach out to me personally and I can direct you to the appropriate resources or help you might need to resolve this.
Finally, assume that your letter will be discussed anonymously. So even though I will know via your submission who sent it, when I present your situation for discussion with your classmates, I will remove your name from it and may change any identifying marker. (If you wish, you can choose whether or not you want to reveal your identity to your fellow students and claim the letter as your own during class discussion)
A few key things to remember before you submit:
Submit something that you genuinely want help with, or at least another perspective
I will do my best to remove anything that might identify you to your classmates. However, if you’ve had a private disclosure with someone that might give you away (and you’re wary of this) then be mindful.
Do not forget to indicate the level of importance: If it’s truly important for you to receive advice, rate it as such. Otherwise, I might end up not posting it if I see other submissions that are near identical.
Remember: This section is based mainly on completion: I’m not scanning for technical or specific course concepts when I grade Part 1.
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