Persuasive Speech Guidelines TOPIC : Drinking too much soda causes health problems.
Call to Action: Persuade my audience to learn the negative of soda that can lead to damaged organs and body parts, and they should limit soda intake. Also, they should stay hydrated and balance their diet.
Objective: Use Monroe’s Motivated Sequence to persuade your audience to take immediate action.
Organizing Your Speech: You will organize this speech using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence 5 Steps. Be sure to also include transitions between the steps and bring your speech to a memorable close.
Speech Length: Around 5 minutes. At 8 minutes I will stop your speech and grade what I have viewed. Please be mindful of time!
Step 1: Attention
Attention getter:
Begin to establish your credibility:
Connect topic to your audience:
Make clear the side of the argument you’re on:
Preview statement:
Transitional Statement (optional to fill out):
Step 2: Need (prove there is a problem that NEEDS a solution).
Describe the problem(s). Is there is more than one problem, then break it into different points.Extend of the problem (how big a problem is it? Explain in some detail):
What is causing the problem:
Who or what is being affected by this problem:
Why does this problem need to be solved:
Transitional Statement (optional to fill out). Step 3: Satisfaction/Solution
Propose the solution. Provide more than one solution if possible. Give your audience options to pick from as a way to solve this problem.
Describe how your solution(s) solve the problem or attempt to solve the problem. Get specific here. It may be obvious, but it may not. Help us really see how your solution will improve this problem.
Transitional Statement (optional to fill out):
Step 4: Visualization (Choose ONE or BOTH of the following and be descriptive and use vivid imagery).
What will happen if we do what you suggest in the solution?
What will happen if we don’t do what you’re suggesting in the solution?
or explain both
What will happen if we do what you suggest in your solution and what will happen if we don’t do what you suggest in your solution.
Transitional Statement (optional to fill out):
Step 5: Action
Provide a step-by-step plan on how to do what you’re asking in the solution.
The action step is your conclusion so once you finish explaining the step-by-step action plan, please come to a thoughtful close.
make sure to have research to back this info since you are saying it’s bad for organs and body parts- is that actually backed by science based research? Make sure to add the sources if so. Also the call to action is a little different. Your need is to explain how soda is bad for your health and that people need to stop drinking it (or so I’m assuming you’re saying this). The call to action would be something like: Stop drinking soda. If you drink a lot of soda start slowly to replace a soda with sparkling water and then slowly reduce the sodas until you’re not having any… The call to actions specifically what they can do to stop drinking it.
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