Question 1 (about philosophy course, 400 words) At what point did you decide tha

Question 1 (about philosophy course, 400 words)
what point did you decide that there might be something useful in the
philosophy course ? What was it, and why did you think that it might end
up being useful?
What is the most important thing that you learned about yourself while taking the course? How is figuring out that detail about yourself important to you?
Who was your favorite philosopher and why? (If you have more than one, feel free to discuss them all!)
What is the most surprising thing you learned during the course?
Which week(s) did you enjoy the most, and why? Which week(s) did you enjoy the least, and why?
What is the most useful skill that you acquired that you will be able to use in either future classes or in your “real” life? How will you use it?
Is there something that you wish your Student Advisor had mentioned when he or she signed you up for the course? More than likely, it was the answer to the question, “What is Philosophy?” Could you explain what philosophy is in one or two sentences that might be helpful for Student Advisors to mention to students? How would you explain it?
What else would you like to tell a new PL201 student that you wish someone had told you during the first week of class?
Any final comments? What can you tell new students who are joining philosophy course?
Question 2 (250 words)
What are the goals of the web site?
Did you meet the goals in web design?
How did your web design decisions affect the target audience?
Can the target audience easily navigate this site?

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