What I want you to do: This week, you’ll complete the second section of the Vegg

What I want you to do: This week, you’ll complete the second section of the VegggieRx Grant Proposal. For this section, you will describe the VeggieRx program. Tell me about all the standardized components to the program: produce boxes, wellness checks, cooking classes.
You should also tailor this program for your specific school. Consider your school’s demographics and specific needs. What type of produce will you include? Bok choy or green onions? Figs or jackfruit? Leeks or lettuce? Briefly describe the produce in your boxes.
You will also describe the timeline for this program, and remember to keep this timeline aligned to your school’s calendar. At the end of this paper, you will write job descriiptions all the personnel/staff you will need to implement this program in your community.
Tailoring Ideas: You will need a “tailor” this program for your school by adding an additional activity to make this program better. Describe this idea in your program narrative. Here are a few ideas: Home deliveries, school garden, festivals, additional items in the boxes: grains, eggs, cheeses.
How I want you to do it: You are writing this grant for a canned prevention program, titled VeggieRx. This program brings fresh produce to students on a weekly basis, to help combat food insecurity. View the VeggieRx lecture under Active Learning Lectures before you begin writing, it is very important that you understand the full scope of the VeggieRx program. You should write this in a compelling way! This is written for grant funders. It should be professional and show that you understand your school and the children in your community.
This example will show you what I am looking for in Part 2 of your grant proposal. Please note that the example does not address the health topic of food insecurity; rather it focuses on preventing poisoning in children. The canned program for this example was titled Quill’s Up.
NOTE: The Spring 2023 (Part 1) was my first assignment and you can utilize the information in there to further this project for (Part 2).

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