In a literature review, you are synthesizing information, not reporting it as in

In a literature review, you are synthesizing information, not reporting it as in an essay. Read 4 Tips for Writing a Literature Review
Assignment Instructions
1. Use the synthesis table you completed in Week 4 to compare and contrast your articles. Describe how the articles are similar. Describe how they are different. Discuss whether the results between studies are contradictory. Describe any clear themes.
2. Use the questions on the Johns Hopkins Tool (that you completed in Week 4) to guide your thinking about the strengths and weaknesses of each research article to assist you in critiquing the articles. Explain gaps identified in the research. The gaps can usually be found in the Discussion section where the author describes the study limitations.
3. Discuss the comparison of your own practice with the research.
4. Conclude with the answer to your PICO(T) question. Is there enough evidence? If not, what further research is warranted?
5. Your APA-formatted paper is to be 8–12 pages long (the page count includes the title page and reference list) with at least seven scholarly sources (these sources include those that answer your PICO(T) question).
6. Submit to Grammarly to get assistance with your writing mechanics.
My PICO(T) Question: In adult cancer patients experiencing pain (P), how does meditation (I) compare to the standard care system(C) affect the quality of life (O) within six months (T)?

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