In Phase 2, which is due at the end of Week 5, you will build and describe “scen

In Phase 2, which is due at the end of Week 5, you will build and describe “scenarios” of how your organization will move through various potential outcomes (e.g., legacy automakers face new entry of electric vehicles; national non-profit faces disgrace and exit of executive leadership). Given the opportunities and threats identified in the earlier phase, how could your organization navigate these situations? This assignment is both an effort in storytelling and logical forecasting. You should build at least 2 scenarios. Each should journey through a similar set of issues: 1) what is the problem/decision that must be confronted; 2) what aspects of the organization and the industry affect how you react and make this decision; 3) what information is needed to make informed leadership decisions, and 4) how can leadership incentivize the proper handling of the process to move to and through innovation and/or change. Each scenario should be 400-600 words.
Scenarios should be based around “Not having enough inventory (aka not enough houses to sell)” and “impressing clients with a professional space” as outlined in the attached document. The organization is a real estate company called Chuck Fawcett Realty.

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