This is the second, and final, part of your research project that you started in

This is the second, and final, part of your research project that you started in Week 10. You should have already found a topic, identified two scientific articles on the topic, evaluated the credibility of the articles and submitted your Bibliography in APA format. The rest is the fun part – summarizing your findings!
Read both articles carefully—not just the abstracts but the FULL articles. You may not understand everything but it is important to try; you never know what you might learn!
Type up a 3-page, double-spaced summary in your own words, summarizing:
Intro section: What is your topic and why did you choose it?
Section 2: How do you know Article 1 is credible? Consider authors’ affiliations, credentials and motivation; funding source; journal; number of times article was cited; etc. Feel free to refer back to the Article Evaluation worksheet that you completed 2 weeks ago to help you with this section. Do not simply list their titles and locations. Summarize to find the main points that help you conclude the credibility.
Section 3: How do you know Article 2 is credible? Use same queuing questions as above.
Section 4: Summary of findings from both articles. Compare and contrast their conclusions using your own words and critical thinking skills. If different conclusions were drawn from the articles, what you think led to this?
Conclusion section: What is the relevance of these articles to you? What might you do differently as a result of this research? What is the significance to the community and others? What other studies need to be done as follow-up to confirm their findings?

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