Question 1 Spokane is about 1,600 feet higher in elevation, on average, than Sea

Question 1
Spokane is about 1,600 feet higher in elevation, on average, than Seattle. If elevation were the most important temperature control, what would we expect the two cities’ temperatures to be like? Explain in a couple paragraphs. Make sure your answer addresses whether elevation is a good explanation for what we *actually observe* as differences in seasons between the two cities, but do NOT describe other possible explanations. Cite (make reference to) specific pages and figures from our textbook to support your answer.
Question 2
Apply the controls from Section 2.7 of our textbook to explain the observed difference in temperatures between the two places. Write about a paragraph of text for each one that is causing the differences.
Don’t spend much time describing any that are less important, but make sure to write at least a sentence for each one of those, explaining how or why each is less important.
Question 3
Take a look at Section 2.8 and then answer this question: What would you expect the annual temperatures to be like at a location ten to fifteen miles outside of Seattle compared to the annual temperature range in the center of Seattle? Explain in one, or better, two, long paragraphs. Make specific references to pages and figures in the textbook, and include a direct quotation from the book that supports your answer.
The book we use is Geosystem 1e wrote by Christophersen. If you cannot find the book please let me know ASAP.

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