Paper Instructions: Chosen Topic – Attached #14 Chapter Issues related to sp

Paper Instructions: Chosen Topic – Attached #14 Chapter
Issues related to spoken language, nonverbal communications, meeting protocol expectations, negotiations strategies, and decision-making processes, and how these issues differ for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean businesspeople, presenting different challenges for Western counterparts.
Paper Requirements:
In order to receive maximum credit your paper must:
Include in-text citations and references compliant with the APA format.
The paper must be between 450 – 600 words, using double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
The paper’s last paragraph will have the heading LESSONS LEARNED in which you will generalize what you have learned from the week’s research and readings.
Your research must use a minimum of two outside resources; however, you may use the textbook as an additional resource.
Include the paper’s total word count at the bottom of the last page. Do not include the cover page or reference page in the word count.

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