Read: PoWH Chapter 29, Pp. 901-921; Chapter 30, Pp. 946-959 Sources: 30.5 (Salva

Read: PoWH Chapter 29, Pp. 901-921; Chapter 30, Pp. 946-959
Sources: 30.5 (Salvador Allende)
France: The “Loi-Cadre” of June 23, 1956 (on D2L)
Kwame Nkrumah, I Speak of Freedom, 1961 (on D2L)
Patrice Lumumba, On June 30, 1960, Independence Day (on D2L)
United Nations, Declaration on Granting Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, 1960 (on D2L)

Discussion Question/Writing Assignment Outline 23: How did Europeans, Africans, and Latin Americans view the path to independence?

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