There are five parts (plus a title page) to the Career Package: • Title Page (y

There are five parts (plus a title page) to the Career Package:
• Title Page (your own design: business, professional)
• Copy of Job Ad (highlighted or underlined) and skills categorized
• Background Fact Sheet (1 full page, plus IEEE reference list)
Submit these three elements as one document (MS Word or PDF). You may include the job ad as part of that document, or you may attach it separately as an image file.
Job Advertisement/Posting
Find an ad for a job in your area of study such as Toronto, Canada. The job does not have to be in Ottawa. You can get the ad from the newspaper, internet or any other source. Highlight or underline specific skills or requirements in the ad that you will target in your cover letter and resume. In a separate document, categorize the skills and requirements into task (hard) and performance (soft) skills. You may submit it by taking a screen shot or a scan.
Try to find an ad that includes detailed information.
Company Background Information
Research the organization, business or company. Try to obtain information on the company’s background, mission statement, type of customers served, and so on. Write a one page (full) bullet point fact sheet summarizing your findings. Don’t cut and paste information from the company’s website! The fact sheet must be written in your own words and proper citations (IEEE style) must be used.
After readying your fact sheet, I should have a good idea of what the company is all about! It should not simply be a list of facts. It should include your opinion and analysis of the business and position. It also describes the company and position.

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