ENGLISH 2327, American Literature I Essay #1 In a well-developed essay of 900-10

ENGLISH 2327, American Literature I
Essay #1
In a well-developed essay of 900-1000 words, examine one of the topics listed below. In your critical analysis, use text evidence in the form of direct quotation to support your assertions. A strong thesis statement should bind the essay together, and the flow should be coherent with appropriate points of transition. The essay should be the culmination of a complete and thoughtful analysis. Do not use external sources. Please review the plagiarism policy in the syllabus. Essays containing plagiarism will receive a zero.
Here are the MUSTS:
Your paper should be 900-1000 words.
Your paper must be in MLA format: You must double space your paper, 12-point font, Times New Roman, one-inch margins. Full heading in upper left corner of first page, and last name with page number in header on top right. Please refer to the MLA Style Guide at OWL (link in Content).
Your paper must be grammatically sound. Proofread!
Beware of plagiarism! Review the college’s policy on the course syllabus.
Refer to the Essay Rubric in Content to ensure your essay is on the mark.
Use the Essay Tips document in Content as a checklist.
TOPICS: Select one.
In Common Sense, Paine writes, “A government of our own is our natural right: and when a man seriously reflects on the precariousness of human affairs, he will become convinced that it is infinitely wiser and safer to form a constitution of our own in a cool and deliberate manner, while we have it in our power, than to trust such an interesting event to time and chance” (p. 312). Consider that Paine is arguing for armed revolt in a way designed to make it seem rational, safe, and inevitable. Construct a cohesive essay exploring Paine’s arguments that appeal to readers who wish to think of themselves as “cool and deliberate.”
I will take pics of the writing and attach them for your reading.

Thesis is identifiable and creates cohesion. (Remember the thesis is the backbone of the essay and resides in the introductory paragraph; every paragraph connects to the thesis and adds development.)

Focus on the topic sentence of each paragraph. Topic sentences open the door for the ideas that follow in the paragraph. Each paragraph should contribute to the development of the thesis and include direct evidence from the text (quotations).

Write in the present tense when writing about literature.
Example: Calixta’s emotions tie closely to the surge of the storm.

Put names of short stories in quotation marks: “The Storm”
Do not italicize or underline the name of a short story. Italicize the names of longer pieces of literature (see the syllabus for examples).

Punctuation belongs inside the quotation marks.
Example: The railroad station setting plays a significant role in the conflict in Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants.”
Example: Hemingway introduces the conflict in the first paragraph when he explains the train “stopped at this junction.”

Do not use pronouns like I or you. An academic essay should be written in the impersonal.
Wrong: I think Phoenix Jackson encounters conflict in both the natural and social settings of “A Worn Path.”
Correct: Phoenix Jackson encounters conflict in both the natural and social settings of “A Worn Path.”

Do not use contractions. Contractions reflect how we speak. They make your writing less formal and, as a result, lower your style.

Eliminate as many “to be” verbs as possible (am, is, are…). Replace with strong, active verbs. This will keep your writing in the active tense and out of the passive.
With a “to be” verb: The storm is a reflection of the emotional intensity between the characters.
Use of strong verb: The storm reflects the emotional intensity between the characters.

Proofread for spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. If you need help, the Writing Lab at University Park is very helpful.

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