Needs assessments are systematic processes of gathering and analyzing informatio

Needs assessments are systematic processes of gathering and analyzing information to figure out what’s needed in a particular situation (Asana, 2022). This involves figuring out what the current situation is, defining the ideal situation, and figuring out how much gap there is between the two. Needs assessments can be used in various fields, such as education, healthcare, social services, and business, to inform decision-makers about how to balance resources and develop programs. Results from needs assessments can help managers prioritize goals.
Needs assessment is the first step in the instructional design process, and if it is not properly conducted, resources are wasted. Training may be used improperly, have the wrong content, and trainees may not have the skills necessary to be successful with training (Noe, 2021).
If I were in a new position at a new plant, the first technique that I would implement would be observation. Observations could provide insights into how people behave in situations and environments. They can be used to identify problems or opportunities. Additionally, I think following up with onsite interviews would be helpful. Interviews with staff, stakeholders, and clients could give me insight into their past experiences and their opinions.

Asana. (2022, July 18). What is a Needs Assessment? 3 Types and Examples • Asana. Asana.
Noe, R. A. (2021). Employee training and development (8th ed.). Mcgraw-Hill Education.

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