Please see the attached social base line study, and prepare a community vision s

Please see the attached social base line study, and prepare a community vision statement for Neskantaga First Nation
Recall that a vision statement differs from a social baseline study in that it captures both the present and the future of a community. It expresses the community’s values, hopes and ambitions for itself, and cannot be developed without full cooperation from the community. Paul Lachapelle advises that the statement should briefly address the following questions:
• What is important in our community? Is it the geographic location, the culture, the
history, etc.?
• Who are we as a community and what makes our community unique?
• What do we want our community to be known for?
• What are the unique features of the area?
• Ask the fundamental question, “What is our story?”
• What is our desired future? What is our dream for the future if we had all the resources available to us?
He advises paying attention to the “what if” portion of the statement:
• What attributes should be enhanced?
• What do we do well and how can we continue on this path?
• What do we want our community to be, or look like in the future?
• How would others describe our community?
• How do we want others to describe our community?
• What parts of our community do we want future generations to enjoy, remember and appreciate?

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