Think of an important stakeholder or social justice issue that your organization

Think of an important stakeholder or social justice issue that your organization or another business organization is in a position to help solve/improve. Ideally, this would be in your own organization and the basis for something that you can have an effect on. I prefer Amazon!
Describe the stakeholder or social justice issue and why it is important to your organization.
Why is your organization in a position to help? What is business’ position relative to government and/or civil society for this issue?
How has your organization been addressing this issue in the past, if at all?
Are there stakeholders engaging in this issue already? What stage(s) are your organization in engaging with stakeholders on this issue?
What should your organization do in the future for this issue?
What significant effect(s) (positive as well as negative) will this have on other stakeholders?
Do you foresee any implications for your own career?

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