Now that the essay has been revised through the revision process, students will

Now that the essay has been revised through the revision process, students will create a final copy of the essay assignment in the Research 101 module. For the Research 101 essay, you will submit a final, polished essay that is free from all errors and contains evidence from five sources that supports your claims. The final polished essay should not track the changes.
Remember the following requirements while polishing the final essay
5 Sources
MLA format
Paragraph form
Proper thesis statement
Topic sentences that relate to the thesis statement
On topic development and transitions
Evidence that supports claims
Integrated evidence
Correct in-text citations
Analysis of evidence that does not summarize
Conclusion sentences for each body paragraph
Conclusion paragraph that does not summarize
Proper Works Cited page
Proofreading Checklist: Look for the following errors when proofreading
Spelling errors
Comma, Semi-Colon, and Colon errors
MLA format errors
Fragment and Run-On errors
Apostrophe errors

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