Options: 1.Choose Machiaveilli’s discussion of one of the following figures and

1.Choose Machiaveilli’s discussion of one of the following figures and explain how he uses that figure to illustrate or express an important point related to the larger themes of the Prince (such as virtue, self-sufficiency, cruelty well used, or the science of acquiring and maintaining power, etc).
Cesare Borgia (Chapter 7, 13)
Pope Alexander VI (Chapters 7, 11)
King Louis XII of France (Chapter 3)
Agathocles (Chapter 8)
The Biblical David (Chapter 14)
Hiero of Syracuse (Chapters 6 and 13)
2.Why is it important to have one’s own arms, as opposed to auxiliary or mercenary arms? What does this piece of advice mean, broadly speaking?
Answer in 600 words. You do not need an intro or a conclusion. There is no room for them. Think of this as a “short answer” question on a test.
Even for a response of this length, I recommend making an outline first. It helps to have a plan.
Answer in your own words. Your answer must be original. Do not use secondary sources.
Focus on stating the most important, big-picture elements of Machiavelli’s argument AND be sure to provide specific supporting evidence from the test, but 1) you do not need to provide parenthetical page references and 2) realize that you cannot be comprehensive in an answer of this length, so you will need to consider which points are most important, and include those.
The quality of the writing, including presentation, grammar, and style, will be evaluated in addition to the content of your answer. Proofread! Be as concise and as clear as possible.

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