The goal of this assignment is to help you develop your skills for critiquing th

The goal of this assignment is to help you develop your skills for critiquing the METHODOLOGICAL RIGOR of empirical studies.
State in one sentence) the practice-related researchable question that you developed for Step 1 (or its revised version based on the feedback to your first assignment). Use electronic resources to search for studies that provide empirical evidence relevant to your practice question and decision. Focus on social work practice (i.e. not psychiatric, medical, etc.). Some databases relative to EBP are identified on the last page of the syllabus. You are strongly encouraged to prefer the use of available specialized databases (e.g. Cochrane, Campbell, Psychinfo, Family and Society Studies, SAMHSA, National Institute of Mental Health, PsychArticles, SocIndex, Social Work Abstract, Social Services). Your assignment should address the following three (#1-3) points.
1. Search:
a. the search terms you have used in your work (Chapter 2 of the Rubin, A. & Bellany. J. (2012) textbook offers clear detailed guidelines for conducting an efficient search)
b. the databases or other sources you have used
c. the results you get from this process (i.e. how many articles you found, which were the most useful data sources).
A good example of reporting such searches is available on p. 364 of the article: Byrne, M., Carr, A., & Clark, M. (2004). The efficacy of behavioral couples therapy and emotionally focused therapy for couple distress. Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal, 26(4), 361-387.
2. Description
From the articles you identify, choose two that offer the best available evidence relative to your practice question and acquire them from the library website. State the rationale that informed your choice of the studies discussed in these particular articles (i.e. why you prefer these particular studies).
For each of these articles, provide the following information:
• Give the APA 7 citation correctly.
• Identify the purpose of the study and briefly (4-5 sentences) summarize in your own words the method including a) design (e.g. case study, randomized clinical trial, systematic review, etc.), b) sampling strategy, sample type, and size, c) measurement (including the type of instrument, type, and number of items, validity, and reliability) d) ethical aspects. Do not report findings.
3. Critique. This is the most important part of the assignment.
CRITICALLY appraise this evidence, using criteria that you have learned in this course. Evaluate the rigor of the evidence on the basis of the validity and reliability of measurements, the appropriateness of design for the question, how good were the sample and the strategies used to collect data. Some of the studies may have used complex statistical analysis about which you did not learn and you are not expected to critique those. Identify at least one strength and one weakness of the methods used for this study, using the criteria provided in the textbooks and discussed in class. Justify your evaluation, i.e. explain WHY you see these as weaknesses and strengths.
Please pay attention to the following points:
• DO NOT SUMMARIZE THE ARTICLES!!! Focus on reporting the relevant research aspects and processes.
• The main goal is to demonstrate your critical view of the studies’ methodologies. This focus should be reflected in the weight (and space) you dedicate to the critique. While an accurate and specific description is important, it needs to be concise whereas the critique should be elaborate.
• Critique the study (what was done) rather than the article (how it is written).
• Focus on addressing the specific questions identified in the assignment.
3. Summary
Which of the studies offers the strongest scientific evidence (NOT which article is the clearest or most applicable to your client; rather, which study is the strongest from the methodological viewpoint)? Articulate clearly the rationale for your choice and support it by evidence (e.g. if you think that using a nonexperimental design was a limitation, use scholarly literature that discusses the limitations of using such a design).
This part of the assignment is expected to be up to 10 pages, double-spaced, 12 font.

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