Using Yosso’s Community Cultural Wealth framework, identify examples of the form

Using Yosso’s Community Cultural Wealth framework, identify examples of the forms of capital you possess, focusing on cultural, social, and navigational examples. Be sure to explain your examples.
Reflecting on your learning of the various types of skills for both academic and career development: what have you learned about the various types of skills and yourself? What skills do you have and which would you like to develop?
Reflecting on John Holland’s Theory and the Career Survey that you completed: what did you learn about yourself, your personality traits, and interests?
Based on the three careers that you explored for the Career Exploration assignment: what did you learn about yourself and the careers that interest you? Did you find a theme in the types of careers that interest you? After exploring these careers what did you learn about yourself and each career? Do you plan to pursue one of these careers?
Based on what you learned in Module 2: what are your next moves to continue your career exploration? Which resources and support will you utilize to achieve your academic and career goals?

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