Directions for this discussion: Write three discussion questions. You must provi

Directions for this discussion:
Write three discussion questions. You must provide 3 questions from the assigned article(s). There are 2 articles this week, so write three questions total (meaning you will have 2 questions from one article and 1 question from the other). Post them to the discussion board by FRIDAY AT 11PM EST. You must then comment on 1 post by Sunday at 11pm.
You must then provide a response (about a paragraph) to ONE of your peer’s posts. Be sure to respond to each of their questions in your post. For each question, please provide a paragraph. You do not need to write a book. You should not write 1 sentence. Provide a thoughtful paragraph per question.
How to write discussion questions for this class:
As you continue to learn and grow as graduate students, part of that process is learning how to inquire about academic arguments and research. To help you develop in this area, we will practice writing detailed discussion questions, which demonstrate a.) your thought process, b.) knowledge of the content you read in this course, and c.) ability to summarize and critically analyze academic readings.
Your discussion questions should follow the format below. I will use this outline as a rubric for grading all discussion question submissions.
When writing discussion questions for this class, you should do the following.
1. First, summarize very briefly what the reading is about. In total, what topics are discussed? What are some important take-away ideas?
2. Select a key idea, finding, argument, methodological issue, theoretical argument, or discussion point, etc. to paraphrase and/or summarize using a direct quote (in such case, cite the author, year of publication, and page number in an in-text citation in APA format. You do not need to list out a reference page, but you do need in-text citations if you quote something.). You should choose something that is of interest to you, that you agree or disagree with, that you have questions about, etc.
3. Following your summary or quote, you may comment on the sample you have provided and then you must provide a question about it for discussion. Your questions should inquire about theory, method, and/or practice.

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