The essay is to be 1500 words minimum, double spaced, 12 pt Times New Romans.

The essay is to be 1500 words minimum, double spaced, 12 pt Times New Romans.
This is an analytical essay that is to be written about a cultural or political topic one would feel strong for. Like oppression for a race, the judicial system or animal rights etc. I would like the topic to be about the bias towards black men in the United States judicial system.
The analytical essay we were given is called “Consider the Lobster” by David Wallace. Wallace presents both sides of the argument of animal rights without strong bias towards either, he tumbles, fights and walks the line between both sides of the argument to truly present the facts of the matter without bias.
The teacher has requested that this essay is to be written off a non fiction book and maybe a few essays upon the same topic chosen . The works cited does not have to be fancy, rather in quotes and ending with (Author, page #).
Let me offer more guidance for the non-fiction option:
Why is this political or cultural issue so important to you?
How is it relevant to the rest of us, who may not be as well-informed about your analytical and research interests as vou are?
For those with literary antecedents, why is this author so important to you? How is the oeuvre you′ve chosen relevant to the rest of us, who may not be as well-informed about your analytical and research interests as you are.
This is English 205 at University Level, the teacher emphasizes becoming a better critical thinker and writer.
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