Type and submit your responses to the following four questions/prompts: What

  Type and submit your responses to the following four questions/prompts:
What piece of literature will you work with (you may choose any story, poem, play that we have already read or the novel that we will read)?
What literary element(s) will you work with (setting, character, etc.)?
What arguable assertion/thesis statement about the literary element do you plan to develop (Aylmer is the true protagonist, the central theme of Robert Frost’s poem “‘Out, Out – ‘” is …, etc.)? i.e. Write your thesis statement. Consider the format of the example below. Be sure to use the author’s first and last name and the title of text. Titles of poems and short stories are in quotations marks, and titles of plays and novels are in italics. Please ensure that your thesis is not merely a statement of fact.
Write your forecasting statement. List three to five reasons why you think your assertion is valid. Consider the format of the example below.
(Example) Thesis Statement:This is the main point, and it should be clearly stated. The entire thing will attempt to prove this point. Example: In Zora Neale Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston utilizes images from nature to portray Janie’s metamorphosis from naivety to maturity. (Example) Forecasting Statement:This is a clear and concise statement (or statements) that explains how the thesis will be supported or proven. (If the thesis is where your is going, the forecasting statement is how you will get there.) Note that you may not be able to fit all of your reasons in one sentence, and that is fine. Example: The blossoming pear tree, the tide, the hurricane and the horizon all beautifully and powerfully illustrate Janie’s transformation.
This assignment is worth 25 points and will be graded based on the following criteria:
All requirements stated in the assignment directions are addressed
Response shows consistent evidence of comprehension and new insights regarding key concepts
Presented with clarity and support
Errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling do not distract the reader

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