Airline Research Poster (48” x 36” electronic poster): The student will construc

Airline Research Poster (48” x 36” electronic poster): The student will construct a research poster detailing their airline (selected week 1 in-class/approved by the instructor), based on student academic research materials, with analysis based on specific topics. Background information includes peer-reviewed sources and will be cited appropriately in APA format.
The poster includes the following requirements:
Title and author(s)
Introduction containing sufficient cited background which describes the airline. (200 words)
Clear explanation of research methods with a figure to support analysis, and do not contain unnecessary detail (maximum 200 words)
The analysis includes appropriate figures (graphs, tables, photographs, etc.) and statistics.
Discussion section with conclusions; conclusions are supported by the research. (approximately 200 words)
Professional design and formatting
Include the below topics but not limited to the topics covered in the last few modules (REVIEW the TEXTBOOK READINGS):
Research your airline’shistory (Chapters 1- 3) (Airmail, trunk air carrier, mergers, deregulation)
economic, financial history, and load factors (Chapters 1 and 7)
management structure (Chapter 8)
management decisions
maintenance (Chapter 8)
fleet characteristics based on route structure (hub-and-spoke, point-to-point) (Chapters 6, 7, 8)
airline marketing, ticket pricing, and tactics, demand (Chapter 12)
cargo operations (Chapter 13)
International operations (Chapter 18)

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