Hello buddy, You will find the assignment attached below use NotePad or Notepad+

Hello buddy, You will find the assignment attached below
use NotePad or Notepad++ to do the website
below is information about myself you can make up the rest from your imagination but try to make it logical to what i wrote about myself.
(about me: Throughout my school years, I have had some ambitions in life that I have chosen on my own accord. The dream of becoming a pilot has always been in my heart. During high school, I wanted to be a physicist since I was good at science, particularly physics, but despite my enthusiasm for science, I ended up studying software engineering, which is completely opposite from what I wanted to do as a child. Due to my admiration for technology, and the fact that technology has evolved to a great extent, as well as the diversity of its application fields, I chose this major of study. At the time, that was enough motivation for me.)
Requirements: perfect

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