The vid
The video above is what the research paper is over.
After viewing the program in its entirety, students are to write an essay of a minimum of one thousand (1,000) words in length addressing the three (3) sections described below. Points will be deducted if this length requirement is not met and/or each section was not sufficiently addressed in the student’s essay. To earn the maximum points (100) for this writing assignment, all three (3) of these sections must be addressed fully:
Section 1: Program Summary (50 points maximum)
In this section students must provide, in their own words, a reasonably detailed summary of the most important information presented in the program. Students may not quote any material from the video program or transcript but should paraphrase and write in their own words.
Section 2: Analysis and Concept Identification (25 points maximum)
In this section students are to analyze the information presented in the program and identify a minimum of three (3) concepts, theories, or other relevant scientific information from the textbook that were reflected in the program, using correctly formatted in-text citations with page numbers to where in the textbook the concepts, theories, or information were found
Section 3: Personal Reflection (25 points maximum)
In this section the student should address: 1) how viewing the video enhanced their understanding of the relevant concepts, theories, or information in the textbook, and 2) how the information in the program changed their comprehension, beliefs, or attitudes about the topic of the program.
Additional Instructions- The student’s RWA should be typed single-spaced, pages numbered consecutively, in 11-point Lato or Arial black font only and in one of the following file formats: .docx (preferred), .doc, .pdf, or .rtf.

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