Goal: Write a short analysis, of no more than 350 words, of Manela, Erez. “Imag

Write a short analysis, of no more than 350 words, of Manela, Erez. “Imagining Woodrow Wilson in Asia: Dreams of East- West Harmony and the Revolt against Empire in 1919.” American Historical Review, December 2006, 1327-1351 and this critique: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/the-myth-the-wilsonian-moment. Which do you find more persuasive?
Before reading Manela, read: “How to read a secondary source” https://courses.bowdoin.edu/writing-guides/reading/how-to-read-a-secondary-source/.
Identify Manela’s argument and any sub-arguments
Identify the kind of evidence he is using, Identify the conclusions he draws.
State whether you think the author persuasively demonstrates the validity of his argument and conclusions, and why. In other words, does the evidence and logic presented convince you that his argument is correct? Does he adequately demonstrate the connections and comparisons he is making between events in Asia and the discourse of self-determination? What does he suggest is the long-term impact of Wilson’s refusal to side with anticolonial movements in Asia and elsewhere? Do you think he is correct? Do you find the critique of Manela persuasive?
Submission: Submit Paper 1 in an MS Word document in this assignment area.

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