Purpose: To engage in a deeper exploration of end of life issues and bioethics.

Purpose: To engage in a deeper exploration of end of life issues and bioethics.
1. Should Mr. Martinez be transferred to intensive care, where his respiratory failure can be treated by a ventilator and his oxygen level be monitored? Whatever your answer provide an ethical rationale.
2. In what ways to you agree or disagree with you classmate’s response? What have you learned from reading your classmate’s response?
Textbook: Raymond S. Edge, John Randall Groves Groves. Ethics of Health Care: A Guide for Clinical Practice. 4th edition. Cengage Learning ISBN-13: 978-1-285-85418-2
Comments from Customer
The is the case study:
Mr. Martinez was a 75-year-old chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patient. He was in the hospital because of an upper respiratory tract infection. His wife had requested that CPR not be performed should he require it. A DNR order was written in the charts. In his room on the third floor, he was being maintained with antibiotics, fluids, and oxygen and seemed to be doing better period however, Mr. Martinez’s oxygen was inadvertently turned up, and this caused him to go into respiratory failure. When found by the therapist, he was in terrible distress and lay gasping in his bed.
2. Answer the following
Should Mr. Martinez be transferred to intensive care, where his respiratory failure can be treated by a ventilator and his oxygen level be monitored? Whatever your answer provide any ethical rationale.

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