1) What conflicts do you see in the character of Beowulf ? Is Beowulf a good Chr

1) What conflicts do you see in the character of Beowulf ? Is Beowulf a good Christian king? A good Germanic/pagan king?
2) Do you think that Beowulf would be a hero in today’s culture? Would we find his behavior heroic? Why or why not?
3) What, in your opinion, is the most important theme in Beowulf ? Why do you think so?
4) If you wish, discuss the basis of “The Sin Test.” Take the test and analyze your answers and eventual destination. This is an optional Discussion Question.
5) What do you think of Dante’s organization of Hell? Remember that his placement of the damned reflects a medieval world view in terms of sin and punishment, as well as the Roman Catholic Church’s view of Hell.
6) Note the contrapasso. What this means is that every sin has a punishment that in some way reflects the sin – the punishment fits the crime in other words. What was your favorite example?
7) The stories of Scheherazade are Middle Eastern in origin and ensconced within a frame narrative – Scheherazade is telling the Shah a story a night to preserve herself and the other women of the country from death. She stops each night at just the right moment and the Shah postpones her execution to find out what happens next.
How well did these stories and the narrative technique of stopping just at the right point work for you? Would you cut off her head or want to find out what happened next?
8) Marie de France’s “Bisclavret” is an early werewolf tale; if you are a horror fiction/film fan, what did you think of this tale from the standpoint of a werewolf tale? In other words, what did you recognize and what seemed different from your expectations?

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