1. Hello everyone, Course learning outcome: Describe the roles of key nutrient

Hello everyone,
Course learning outcome: Describe the roles of key nutrients in the prevention of diseases
The foundation of good health is diet. The meals and drinks we consume provide our bodies with the nutrients they require to function, grow, and thrive. Nutrient deficiency (too little of some nutrients) and nutrient overload (too much of some nutrients) can both have a long-term, irreversible negative impact on human health and raise our chance of acquiring chronic illnesses. I met the outcome of this term by staying consistent and relating that information to my clinical rotation. Distinguishing and understanding healthy nutrition in relation to recovery is crucial for nurses. In addition to being critical for illness prevention, proper nutrition is also essential for the healing process. My clinical practice and personal life I follow along the same and provide the most information and understanding as possible.
Evaluate the need for supplements carefully.
Support clients and patients in making food choicesand gaining access to foods that lead to balanced and satisfying nutrition without obsessing over excess since this can lead to disordered eating.
Support clients in finding ways to move their bodies that they feel comfortable with.
Avoid shaming clients about their food choices, and instead, learn about the barriers that may prevent them from eating a balanced diet.
Support community programs that help to improve the variety of culturally appropriate, appetizing, and low-cost foods (M.S, n.d.)
Evidence based nursing interventions that implement the nutritional needs is optimizing the patient’s oral intake, giving them oral nutrition supplements, and giving them enteral and parenteral nourishment are all examples of nutrition therapies. In putting these strategies into practice, nurses are essential (Six Steps to Optimal Nutrition Care, 2015).
Thank you for your post, which provided me with valuable information. I concur that it is necessary to have an understanding of the distinction between macronutrients and micronutrients, especially when it comes to the field of nursing. It is critical to have a solid understanding of the functions that these nutrients serve as well as the ways in which they influence the human body. Because excessive amounts of some micronutrients, including salt and magnesium, can have adverse effects on the body, it is essential to keep a close eye on a patient’s levels of these nutrients.
I also discovered through the assignment to conduct a nutritional self-examination that the recommended daily amount of sodium is 2500 milligrams, and that I was consuming an average of 3000 milligrams of sodium per day in my diet. This information was obtained from the assignment. It is imperative that we keep a close eye on the amount of sodium that we consume into our bodies because an excess of sodium has been linked to high blood pressure (Greenfield,2020).
Common nursing interventions for a patient who is at risk of nutritional imbalance include keeping a daily record of the patient’s weight, providing the patient with six small snacks that are rich in nutrients at various points throughout the day, and making sure that the patient is getting an adequate amount of hydration. It is essential to not only offer the patient and their family emotional support and assistance with meal planning, but also to educate both the patient and their family on the importance of healthy eating.
3. Peer review refers to the process through which scientific papers are evaluated by professionals in related academic fields. In scientific journals, peer review is used to determine whether a submitted paper is suitable for publication in terms of its scientific value. As such, the outcomes of peer review are a major determinant of whether articles are published in scholarly journals. Peer review, which is distinctively characterized by horizontal evaluation by peers, is considered to be one of the fairest ways to assess the quality of papers (Chung, 2019).
Peer review is important for evidenced-based practice, because peer review grounds the public trust in the scientific and medical research enterprise, as well as the substantial public investment in scientific research. Peer review affords patients some degree of comfort in placing their trust in practitioners, knowing that they should be informed by the best possible, vetted evidence. Peer review can help authors improve reporting quality, presentation clarity, and transparency, thereby enhancing comprehension and potential use by clinicians and scientists. Scrutiny can identify whether research has appropriate ethical principles, regulatory approvals, compliance, and equitable inclusion of both sexes. Peer review should consider the appropriateness of authorship and can detect duplicate publication, fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and other misconduct (Kharasch et al., 2021).
Open feedback can help facilitate peer reviews. All authors with relevant profiles may act as reviewers. Adherence to research reporting standards and access to bibliographic databases are recommended to help reviewers draft evidence-based and detailed comments. Reviewing journal submissions is a privilege and responsibility for ‘elite’ research fellows who contribute to their professional societies and add value by voluntarily sharing their knowledge and experience (Zimba & Gasparyan, 2021).
4. Peer review is an important aspect of scholarly articles and journals. According to Ware (2008), a “peer review is the process of subjecting an author’s scholarly manuscript to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field, prior to publication in a journal”. Peer review is extremely important in fact checking research studies and ensuring that the information published for the public to see is accurate and backed up by sound science. When implementing evidence based practice it is important that the evidence we find is from a peer reviewed source. When a peer review of a paper occurs, it improves the quality of the paper. It allows for people outside the author to review the paper and identify any scientific errors. When implementing evidence based practice into health care, it is important that we are utilizing the most accurate and up to date information. Peer review is an imperfect system that does not lack bias, lack of transparency, and professional jealousy; therefore, it is extremely important to facilitate the best method for a peer review. To facilitate a sound review it is important that we utilize many different methods, such as using a traditional review (an evaluation in house by journal editors, evaluation by peer reviewers chosen by the editor, and a final assessment by the chief editor) or an open peer review (review that discloses the names of the editors and reviewers handling the paper to the authors) (Barroga, 2020). Utilizing different methods for peer review opens the review up to many different professionals in that field, allowing for a higher scrutiny and possible improved review. Also putting the manuscript through many phases of peer-review such as pre-peer review commenting, pre-publication peer review, post-publication peer review, post-publication commenting, and more can ensure that the manuscript is overlooked by many professionals in the field before it is utilized for evidence-based practice. Publishing a peer-reviewed article is a long and arduous process, but it is vital to ensure that quality information and science is made available to the public.

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